What is VirO2Syl.

VirO2Syl is a stabilized super oxidizing agent that acts as a peroxodisulfate. Viro2Syl is used to inactivate and decompose bacteria, fungus and viruses. It can pass through the cell’s membrane and reach the DNA. The application of VirO2Syl using direct-injection techniques or wells will remove significant amounts of contamination from the subsurface (both soil and water). VirO2Syl creates a physical-chemical coagulation reaction for treatment of water containing petroleum hydrocarbons.

What does VirO2Syl do?

VirO2Syl reacts with heavy metals, asbestos, mercury, cyanide, pesticides, and other inorganic contaminants producing pure oxygen and water as byproduct. VirO2Syl is also a powerful cleaner of biofilm in (drinking) water distribution systems and water apparatus; it acts without changing taste, creating odor or harmful by-products. It is effective in both clear and turbid, or colored water; and has a rapid rate of reaction.

How does VirO2Syl work.

VirO2Syl has a unique ability to penetrate and break up biological deposits such as biofilm. This is due to the super oxidizing effect. The ability of VirO2Syl to penetrate and break up biological deposits has been well demonstrated in numerous practical situations and evidenced through tests.